
/seh hej/



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About me

My connection with healing probably started before I was born. Years previously, my grandfather had written a book on healing herbs and foods and ever since I was little, I remember my mother putting turmeric on my cuts and feeding me honey with black pepper to soothe my cough. Her sprinkling of powders and burning of herbs were magical solutions compared to the widely-used plasters and pills. We ate spicy warming foods in the winter and cooling yogurts and salads in the summer months.

The home was and still is a place of healing.
— Seher Khan

For 30 years, I have travelled the world studying yoga, healing, meditation and massage and have learnt from the best. I was taught about Tibetan medicine from the Dalai Lama's physicians and practised meditation and mindfulness with his monks at the Men Tse Kang Monastery in Dharamsala. I have trained with shamans from Peru and learnt how to teach yoga from a lineage that comes from Sri K Pattabhi Jois.

I have worked In the wellness industry for over 30 years. I am a wellness consultant, an addiction therapist, hypnotherapist, Reiki Master and auricular acupuncturist. I am currently the wellness consultant to three major independent production companies in the television sector, Diamond Light Source and has her own private practice.

Knowing what I now know, I have brought together a holistic system that takes the experiences, habits and challenges of each client and finds a system that works for them on an individual level.

I listen, I watch, I feel and then I listen again to the unsaid.

 My intuition is key to my developing a personalised plan. As no two people are alike, no two treatments are the same.

Learn more about my individually-designed program for enhanced wellbeing by clicking below.