

When I tell people that I’m a hypnotherapist, the very first thing they often ask me is whether I can make people cluck like a chicken, to which my playful answer is, “I’ve never tried.” The second question that usually follows is whether I say, “Look into my eyes, not around the eyes…3-2-1 you’re back in the room!” Well, kind of! But in reality, it’s much more relaxed and soothing. It’s more akin to when you’re comfortably listening to someone narrate a captivating story, their voice wrapping around you like a soft blanket, in a cozy room, at the end of a long day. You feel that delightful heaviness in your eyelids, and your mind starts to drift off, almost as if you're gently floating away, and… is it working yet?!

So what is hypnosis?


It’s a beautifully collaborative trance state, requiring a profound sense of trust and openness between the practitioner and the individual involved. In this empowering state, you become significantly more receptive to positive suggestions and affirmations, allowing you to change long-standing negative beliefs and explore deep-rooted emotions that may have been particularly challenging to address otherwise. This transformative approach is precisely why it is widely used in various therapies to help people effectively overcome challenging issues such as anxiety, phobias, or persistent habits that can hinder meaningful personal growth and overall wellbeing.

But don't worry at all! You're still fully in control throughout the entire process and absolutely do not have to take on any of the therapist’s suggestions if you don’t want to. If at any point you feel the need, you can easily bring yourself out of the hypnotic state. You can’t be left there—rest assured! Contrary to those urban myths, hypnosis simply doesn’t work if you don’t genuinely want to be hypnotized. This is precisely why there’s a collaborative nature to the experience. I listen closely to your goals, I provide my support, and then I expertly guide you toward their successful completion.

What is it good for?

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence actively recommends Hypnosis as an effective treatment for a wide array of conditions, making it a versatile tool in promoting health and wellness. Personally, I have found it extremely useful for various challenges, including relaxation, overcoming addictions, managing anxiety, increasing self-confidence and self-esteem, and alleviating panic attacks—just to name a few. On a very basic level, it provides support for individuals who find it difficult to attain a state of relaxation, which can often seem elusive. Remarkably, it can make you feel as though you’ve experienced eight hours of restorative sleep in just the span of 45 minutes. This is the kind of deep relaxation that not only calms the mind but also eases the soul and soothes the body in a profound way. High praise, indeed? Why not come and check it out for yourself—you might be pleasantly surprised!


reiki energy healing